.NET is an integral part of many applications which are running on Windows and provides common functionality for those applications to run. For developers, the .NET Framework provides a wide-ranging and consistent programming model for building applications that have visually stunning user experiences and secure communication.
Dot Net application is course of action performed with technical capability and competence to make to clients over take their competitors and provide wide range of technologies with latest versions every time on every period of project design and achievement.
Main topic to be cover
Getting Started with .Net Framework, Exploring Visual Studio .NET, Inside a C# Program, Data Types, Statements, Arrays, Using Strings, Objects, Classes and Structures, Properties, Inheritance, Indexers, Delegates, Events, Namespaces, Generics, Collections and Data Structures, Exception Handling, Threading, Using Streams and Files, Reflection, Assemblies, Object Serialization, Windows Forms, Controls, Data binding to Controls, Advanced Database Programming using ADO.net
Building a Web Application, Using Standard Controls, HTML Controls, Validating Form Input using Validation Controls, Understanding Applications and State, Applying Styles, Themes, and Skins, Creating a Layout Using Master Pages, Binding to Databases using Controls, Data Management with ADO.net, Creating a Site Navigation Hierarchy, Navigation Controls
A Review of Classic ASP
8 ASP.NET Web Applications
Rendering HTML with Server Controls
Data Binding in ASP.NET
Web Development Using Visual Studio.
Working with Controls
Introduction to Web Controls
Simple Input Controls
Hyperlink and Button Controls
List Controls
Controlling Focus
Using Rich Server Controls
Introduction to Rich Controls
The Calendar Control
The AdRotator Control
The XML Control
Accessing Data
Overview of ADO.NET
Connecting to Data
Executing Commands
Working with Data
Choosing an ADO.NET Provider
Language Integrated Query
LINQ Syntax
LINQ to DataSets
Validating User Input
Overview of ASP.NET Validation Controls
Using the Simple Validators
Using the Complex Validators
Summarizing Results with the Validation Summary Control
Separating Validation into Validation Groups
Introducing Cascading Style Sheets
Investigating Styles
Using Visual Studio 2008's Tools for Working with Styles
Themes and Master Pages
Creating a Consistent Web Site
ASP.NET 2.0 Themes
Master Pages
List Controls
Controlling Focus
Site Navigation
ASP.NET Web Site Navigation
Creating an XML Site Map File
Site Navigation Controls
Using the Site Navigation API
URL Mapping
Security Trimming
Displaying Data with the GridView Control
Introducing the GridView Control
Filter Data in the GridView Control
Add,Delete and Update the record
Managing State
Preserving State in Web Applications
Page-Level State
Using Cookies to Preserve State
ASP.NET Session State
Storing Objects in Session State
Configuring Session State
Setting Up an Out-of-Process State Server
Storing Session State in SQL Server
Using Cookie less Session IDs
Application State
Properly build n-tier, data-driven web applications
Accelerate performance with caching
Create custom server control
Use JavaScript, Ajax, and the ASP.NET AJAX framework to make pages more interactive and eliminate post-backs
Creating New Controls
User-defined Controls
User Controls
Custom Controls
Introduction to AJAX
Server-side AJAX Works
Controls in the AJAX Control Toolkit
Explore Client-Side AJAX
Using Data List and Repeater Controls
Repeater and DataList Controls
Templates and Styles
Bind Data to the Repeater and DataList Controls
Creating and Consuming Web Services
XML Web Service in Visual Studio
Test and Run Your Web Service
Web Service From a .NET Client
Using the List View and Database Controls
ListView Features
ListView Design Support in Visual Studio
Convert Static Pages to Dynamic Pages
Implementing Paging in the ListView Control
Reading and Writing XML Using the XML DOM
Reading and Writing XML Programmatically
Important Classes in the System.Xml Namespace
Create XML Document
The Microsoft Dot Net architecture platform is dependents on XML for data exchange. It enables XML Web services to interoperate whatever their source language.
Developers can build reusable XML Web services instead of massive applications.
Easier to build complicated development tools – debuggers and profilers can target
The Common Language Runtime, and thus become easy to get to all .NET-enabled languages.
Fewer bugs, as whole classes of bugs should be unidentified in .NET. With the CLR handling memory management, garbage collection.
Note: We have mentioned all the possible topics in JAVA & related trainings, topics shall be selected based on the client requirement and scope of work.