J2EE is a great demand for experienced J2EE professionals now in the market and students and programmers from other languages. HobNob Global providing this J2EE training to You. To get you a better acknowledge of J2EE and is better for aspiring Java professional to be forewarned that the Industry expects sound knowledge of EJB, JAX and Struts ..as well as hands on experience. It is also important to remember that jdk1.4 is the current version with a lot of new features and jdk1.5 is expected shortly.
J2EE applications are made up of components. A J2EE component is a self-contained functional software unit that is assembled into a J2EE application with its related classes and files and that communicates with other components.TheJ2EE specification defines the following J2EE components:
Course Infrastructure
Application Server: JBoss 4.2.2 GA (includes Tomcat 5.5)
Database Server: Oracle 10g Express Edition
IDE: Eclipse / NETBeans
Total Training Hours: 40
Also see: Advanced Java/J2EE Training Course
Core Java (20 hours)
Java Programming Basics, Control Structures, Classes v/s Objects
Arrays, Access Modifiers, Object-Oriented concepts, Polymorphism, Overloading
Inheritance, Overriding, Abstract classes, Interfaces, Garbage Collection, Exception Handling
Serialization, Inner Classes, File I/O
Threading Concepts, Collections Framework
Classpaths, Packages, JAR files
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
Servlet API (7 hours)
HTTP Basics, Handling HTTP requests/sending HTTP responses, Servlet Lifecycle
Servlet Config, Servlet Context, Attributes v/s Parameters
Session Management, Servlet API Listeners
JSP, JSTL, EL (7 hours)
JSP Scripting elements, JSP Standard Actions
Expression Language Basics
JSP Standard Tag Library, Creating custom tags
Struts Framework, Validator & Tiles (10 hours)
Using the Struts framework
MVC pattern
Struts Custom Tags
Validator Framework
Tiles Framework
Course Infrastructure
Application Server: JBoss 4.2.2 GA (includes Tomcat 5.5)
Database Server: Oracle 10g Express Edition
IDE: Eclipse
Total Training Hours: 40
Pre-requisites:Java/J2EE Training Course
Spring Framework (7 hours)
Introduction to the Spring Framework
Dependency Injection
Bean Wiring concepts
Integrating Spring with Struts
Hibernate Framework (9 hours)
Hibernate and ORM basics
Hibernate Mapping constructs
Integrating Hibernate with Spring
Javascript, Ajax & Frameworks (Prototype, Scriptaculous) (7 hours)
Javascript Basics
Ajax Basics
Prototype Ajax library
Scriptaculous Javascript/Ajax library
Web Services & XML (9 hours)
Web Services Basics
Apache Axis
Creating Web Services using Apache Axis
Introduction to XML
Other Topics: EJB / JSF, HTML 5, I BAT IS, JSON, JPI
Note: we have mentioned all the possible topics in JAVA & related trainings, topics shall be selected based on the client requirement and scope of work.